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I've taken the tincture every day for a month. Everyone around me has gotten really sick and I've only gotten the sniffles once!
A middle toe popped in and out of a painful setting. Even though I had some Devil's Club salve at the store for another reason, I finally put some on this--my mistaken delay--and it was immediately helpful, even energizing. I've been fine, really, since the DC.
I've been using one of your oils on a painful joint of mine and it's working well and it smells great! Thank you!
The inhaler made a big difference for my pneumonia and started clearing up my lungs right away. The first night I used white spruce massage oil on the back behind the lung I was able to sleep all night. It was the first night in a week that I didn't have to sleep sitting upright in a chair. Thank you!
I sprained my back and the 5% massage oil helped the pain so fast. It's amazing!
I just wanted to let you know about something that happened last week. I got something like a hangnail that got infected and it was really deep and painful. I used one drop of pure devil's club essential oil once a day for three days. After the 3rd day, the fluid drained and it was healed. I still have a hole in my finger where it was but the devil's club stopped the infection and inflammation and helped the healing.
The 1% salve is still working well for my fingers. No arthritis pain and full flexibility for my fingers on both hands! It's surprising how long a little tin of salve can last. I use it every day and it's lasted about 9 months- it takes such a small amount to do the job.
I used the 5% salve on my grandmother's neck and it worked really well on the pain.
Thank you for continuing to produce the miracle elixir that naturally rids my pain.
Last Friday, I threw my back out. I’m in severe pain. My favorite is the S’axt Massage Oil at 15%. It’s a miracle worker.
I like face serum I bought too. I don’t break out but I have seen a reduction in my deeper and fine lines.
A grateful customer-
Forever Customer and Promoter of your products.
Thanks for the 5% devil's club oil. It works great for my R.A.
I do a lot of long distance running and I’ve been using cbd cream for recovery care for a long time. My sister told me about how devil’s club was helping some people she knew and suggested I try it for recovery aches/pains. ....Man, it’s amazing....everyone who uses it loves it and I always send them to your site.
Follow-up to conference injury comment: The swelling is gone, the bruising is almost gone, The numbness and tingling are mostly gone. Most of all, I have flexibility in my fingers without any pain, it has been at a 0 for at least 2 days now. It was always worse at night waking me up, but I was able to sleep through the night last night.
Hi, I wanted to let you know that I found that the 1% saxt salve I bought has been inadvertently become an essential tool to dissuade ants inside our home. I'm grateful to have something so safe and this effective. :]
My boss was complaining of forearm pain due to typing. I used the 5% massage oil and the pain went away within 10 minutes. It lasted 8 hours with just a few drops.
After my surgery I had bad constipation for several months. I tried everything but nothing worked. A single drop of your renewing skincare rose serum in my belly button one day and a couple drops the next day has completely cleared up the problem. My system is back to normal- no diarrhea or anything!
2 days ago my daughter cut her hand. Almost needed stitches. Applied 1% devils club salve after it stopped bleeding. Looks good after just 2 days.
I brushed well and put one drop of undiluted devil's club essential oil on the toothbrush and brushed gently for a minute. After 10 minutes the tooth pain was gone, the inflammation had subsided, and the sinus pressure was gone. What I thought was a sinus infection was actually a tooth infection! Amazing results using the devil's club essential oil!
My wife applied the devil's club rose serum twice in a 24 hour period and the lumps that had come up under her right arm have largely disappeared.
I have an ingrown hair on my neck and it's blown up to ridiculous proportions. This time I'm trying the Devil's Club Facial serum on it this evening. The next day the "boil" for lack of a better word was almost gone. The DC did the trick. After 2 days the neck is healed up. That stuff works wonders.